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Boss CP 3x. Still looking for Icebreaker

Vesper dungeon Ice breaker rogue network step 6 message collection and if time allows full run...

Full run for the red border quest. If it's the weekly raid, maybe farm some encounters for a bit to finish up those patterns. Group can decide how we do it.

Kells fall expert intrinsic upgrades all 4 be chill have fun and bring your shotgun...

new content run.... be chill have fun...

rogue network quest need puzzle #2 to progress quest... can run complete dungeon for loot and stuff...



parent, xbox ambassador


pve, pvp, adult, microphone, profanity ok

A Mad Bloke

hunter, titan, warlock

parent, pve, casual, warlock, titan, microphone

pve, parent, profanity ok, hunter, raider

xbox one, adult, pvp, 305 hunter, 305 warlock, 305 titan

Bd Zet

hunter warlock, profanity ok, pve, pvp, parent, raider

BigSteyfo007 / Stefan

pvp, raider, mayhen clash, sherpa, dutch/german/english, adults only


hunter celestial, titan 335, warlock 335, play day time, play night time, uk based