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encounter by encounter for guardian rank... be chill have fun have at least XP from running normal.

KT said it's a Master Witness clear. No challenge, just the clear for the rank. Full loadout shaming in effect.

Recent Games

Master challenge, Master Witness to get that rank 11, or random raid encounter triumph. I'm fine with whatever. Group can decide at game time.

for guardian rank, no challenges just run through one or two encounters. Please have experience in normal encounters. run for 2 hours or more if like last week...


pvp, pve


parent, profanity ok, raid rookie, xbone


titan, hunter, warlock. raider, pve, pvp, sherpa and just all round good guy.


profanity ok, parent, microphone, titan, raid rookie


pvp, no matter where you go... there you are., pve



sherpa, warlock, hunter, titan, profanity ok, parent

hunter, xbox one, microphone, weekly challenges, titan

pvp, pve, parent, hunter main