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Hey All, we are using Discord for our chat. Use the link below to join our Discord server. (

We now have a Echo Company 184 Twitch Channel. Head over to and give us a follow. Right now we'll likely host other people, but for capture card streamers we can give out a twitch stream key as well.

If your name isn't on the list of streamers, xbox message Biojosh to be added.

EC184's Streambadge d4ytime's Streambadge PoopShizzle's Streambadge Biojosh's Streambadge PHP's Streambadge Nirvos_tv's Streambadge Fakey51's Streambadge Cheeeeezie's Streambadge

Destiny Clan Wars

For anyone who is interested, we are registered with Check out the site and participate in the clan events! No action is necessary other than joining the clan and playing the game.

Community Links

Community Site
Join the Clan!
Clan Stats
Group Me Chat
Group Me

Event Schedule:

Current ECWC

ECWC 7/19 - 7/25: "Capture what Zones?" This week the challenge is to win an Iron Banner Control match where you team does not capture any zones. You need to run this with a full firetime of 6 (should be easy since 6 people usually find their way onto a team). The only restriction is that you cannot capture any zones - you may certainly neutralize zones as necessary though. An end game screenshot and destinytracker link are required.


ECTWC 5/17 - 5/24: "Put them through their paces" This week you'll be creating a fireteam of 6 and armed only with test weapons you'll face Atheon on Normal Mode. Fastest time wins, if there's a tie then least deaths will be the tiebreaker. Good Luck!

Limitation: You must have 3 test weapons equipped at all times. If the gunsmith isn't offering a weapon type this week (say heavy) you cannot use a normal heavy weapon in its place (though you would obviously have a normal heavy weapon equipped). Grenades, Melees, Supers are allowed.

Kills with a sword will add 15 seconds to your overall time per kill!

NEW ADDITION! Killing gorgons will reduce your overall time. The first gorgon will remove 30 seconds from your time. The schedule after this is:

This means that you can remove 18 minutes from your time if you kill 8 gorgons (8 is the max). If you're going to attempt this you MUST provide me with a Twitch recording to verify the kills since I can't track this between wipes.
tricornStatistics last updated on 10/11/2016 4:36:05 PM Central Time
tricornPvP Statistics
Played 360737
Kills 3885741
Deaths 3353842
Assists 1341728
K/D 1.16
KA/D 1.56
Orbs Dropped 591943
Orb Picked up 414140
Ability Kills 1065117
Precision Kills 964801
Auto Rifle Kills 205151
Fusion Rifle Kills 112879
Grenade Kills 320313
Hand Cannon Kills 456827
Machine Gun Kills 177291
Melee Kills 293929
Pulse Rifle Kills 380152
Relic Kills 48837
Rocket Launcher Kills 156748
Scout Rifle Kills 263085
Shotgun Kills 458329
Side Arm Kills 13921
Sniper Rifle Kills 325284
Super Kills 450875
Sword Kills 6768
tricornRaid Stats
Vault of Glass Statistics
Completions 3247
Kills 722344
deaths 72029
Boss Kills 45655

Crota's End Statistics
completions 5264
Kills 1039864
Deaths 84919
Boss Kills 21453
tricornStrike Statistics
Played 62960
Cleared 52472
Kills 3683992
Deaths 146506
Assists 1074682
K/D 25.15
KA/D 32.48
Orbs Dropped 501313
Orb Picked up 343232
Ability Kills 892457
Precision Kills 973038
Auto Rifle Kills 430143
Fusion Rifle Kills 134221
Grenade Kills 313338
Hand Cannon Kills 423906
Machine Gun Kills 88217
Melee Kills 311763
Pulse Rifle Kills 347497
Relic Kills 9916
Rocket Launcher Kills 131830
Scout Rifle Kills 717221
Shotgun Kills 125653
Side Arm Kills 18158
Sniper Rifle Kills 172669
Super Kills 267356
Sword Kills 78556
tricornRaid Stats
King's Fall Statistics
Completions 3529
Kills 1498451
Deaths 122996
Boss Kills 10672

Completions 268
Kills 223448
Deaths 18511


sunsinger, voidwalker, stormcaller

Upcoming Games

No upcoming games currently.

Most Active Members

profanity ok, parent, raid rookie

profanity ok, warlock, parent, raid rookie

profanity ok, student, raid rookie


buttstuff, oceanfullofaids, booze, mic

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sunsinger, voidwalker, stormcaller

Group Platforms
Games Played