Fight the Future News
Destiny 2 DLC 2 - Warmind
Warmind DLC is now live guardians!
Ana Bray, a Guardian long thought lost, searches for a connection to her past…one that could be lost forever on the polar ice caps of Mars.
Features: A new raid lair, more themed weapons, armour, and gear, new endgame content, and a new relic weapon.
AC84 Milestones
whoa_its_sam, FrgottenGuardian, the7egend, VashsEden, BreeDofOne72, themarine139, and Trial096 became the first FUTR fireteam to complete the Leviathan raid!
Wakeboarderal05's sherpa run of Vault of Glass on Saturday, February 18, 2017, has put our group at 3,000 gaming sessions completed, since our inception in January 2015! Thank you to everyone who has made this possible!
Wakeboarderal05 has also just completed his 200th Vault of Glass March 30, 2017! Congratulations, and many thanks from all those who have been able to complete it with your help!
Group Rules
Don't Be A Dick
We would like to remind everyone here that t100 has a built-in reporting feature. If you're having issues with a fellow FUTR guardian (this also applies to anywhere in the100), you can visit their profile page and click the 'report user' button in the upper right-hand corner.
We've instituted our own policy on how we deal with multiple reports. As much as we would like to treat each case separately, we just do not have the time. Therefore, justice will be swift.
Examples of when to use the report feature:
- • Players not arriving for scheduled games.
- • Getting kicked from a lobby for unjust reasons.
- • Players leaving lobbies for unjust reasons.
- • Players repeatedly being a dick (in-game) after warned.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not abuse the reporting feature. That will get you removed from the100 (outside of our control).
Keep in mind that you are negatively affecting your fellow guardian - use good judgment. You elected to be here - as did everyone else. Let's keep it awesome for all.
A84 / FUTR Credits
Triumphs - Year One
Triumphs - Year Two
PS Platinum
Submit Your Gamertag
From your PS4, open your trophies. Go to Destiny. Find the Guardian Lord trophy. If it is complete, preview the image. Hit the share button on the PS4 controller. Send the image to one of your friendly FUTR mods, and we'll take care of the rest! If you don't see your screenshot, remind us.
FUTR Time Trials
January 2015 FUTR-ama Triathlon
Event consisted of VOG HM, CE HM, and KF NM. Ran in succession.
Wrath of the Machine
Team: @Advit, @d_steck, @dekubleep, @RedBeren, @scorp425, @unclerew
Team: @oilysquash, @bhauger92, @bromstronghammer, @atom-smasher, @shad0w_x_elite, @blackdavalanche
King's Fall
Team: @bhauger92, @oilysquash, @BromStrongHammer, @Shad0w_X_Elite, @BlackDAvalanche, @webkid94
Team: @JKbuilder88, @mediSino7, @species81, @symbylydd, @TriforceTitan, @bhauger92
Prison of Elders
Team: @BromStrongHammer, @MediSino7, @siphayne1
Team: @immortal-wazuki, @flecsy, @shad0w_x_elite
Crota's End
Team: @solofatty09, @moonbeamblue9, @shad0w_x_elite, @epj2626, @wakeboarderal05, @BLINDMANAUSTINTX
Team: @beaner-ole, @tabris172015, @tical57, @shad0w_x_elite, @dc_chu, @flygareiv
Team: @solofatty09, @epj2626, @gr3yjuly, @blend4325, @moonbeamblue9, @wakeboarderal05
Vault of Glass
Team: @solofatty09, @moonbeamblue9, @shad0w_x_elite, @epj2626, @wakeboarderal05, @BLINDMANAUSTINTX
Team: @wakeboarderal05, @solofatty09, @moonbeamblue9, @gr3yjuly, @epj2626, @blend4325
Team: @ini5o, @solofatty09, @wakeboarderal05, @moonbeamblue9, @ghanja5olja, @epj2626
Submit Your Gamertag
Challenge your fellow clanmates by submitting an entry to the time trials! To get the link to your game, go to Type in your PSN name (make sure the toggle is switched to PSN). Hit search. On the tabs, go to Game Viewer. You can use the dropdown to filter by Raids. Find the game you want to submit and click on it. When the page loads, you'll see your fireteam members and the time to complete.
Included on this page is a link which you will submit. It looks like this: By using destinytracker, we're able to get consistent times across all submissions.
NOTES: For 6 man events, we require at least 3 members be in the FUTR clan. For 3 man events, 2 must be in FUTR. All fireteam members must be present from start to finish.
In the first ever Prison of Elders oriented FUTR event, we will be taking on all three challenges: 32, 34, and 35 PoE. As usual, get yourself a group of guardians together and get ready to see who can fell the challenge the fastest. But alas… there’s a catch. A clever team name, theme, and group photo (of your guardians somewhere in the Prison) are required in order to submit for the leaderboard. Team themes are of your choosing and can be anything as long as you follow it for the entirety of the event… you’re on the honor system here FUTR guardians. Some theme examples: All titans, all defender. Bubble trains for days. All using a shared weapon like Gjallarhorn or Fatebringer, or hell… all y1 weapons. You get the point.
Multiple teams are encouraged. Enter as many times as you like. Don’t be boring. The theme “all year 2 weapons and gear” is lame… not banned under the rules, just boring. Try to have some fun with it.
A “best in show” will be awarded for the best theme and photo combo, as well as an overall speed winner. As usual, time submissions will be required through Destiny Tracker.
Click on image for expanded view :)
BromStrongHammer, MediSino7, BaronSqwelch
BromStrongHammer, siphayne1, MediSino7
bromstronghammer, siphayne1, dragonsandlasers
wakeboarderal05, epj2626, The_Grandrew
solofatty09, shad0w_x_elite, moonbeamblue9
jkbuilder88, symbylydd, koopaboy0905
BromStrongHammer, TheyCallMeTbag, koopaboy0905
PomegraniteK, KungFooManchu, Vaun-O-Matic
Symbylydd, MediSino7, chrono213x
astano925, shad0w_x_elite, siphayne1
Atheon's Throwback Extravaganza
From the same awesome folks that brough you FUTR-ama Raid Triathlon and Prison-Palooza, we've thought up an all new way to breathe awesome back into Vault of Glass.
- What: This will be an “on level” raid run of Hard Mode Vault of Glass. You will be REQUIRED to use all Vault Weapons (hooray! VoC and Fatebringer!!!) and Armor. We are still looking into solutions for your ghost and artifact as getting low drops may be difficult. MAX LEVEL is 150.
- When: TBD, depends how long this grind takes, but I imagine you will have 3-4 weeks to prepare and “gear down” for the raid.
- Where: You guessed it, only in AC84, home of FUTR.
- Why: Do you need to ask? It's always the same reason: because we can and some a-hole (thanks, solo) thought it would be fun.
Let us know if you are interested and we will keep a running list of all participants posted up for the event. This will give us an idea of how many games to schedule and who will need help getting gear.
Good luck, FUTR guardians! Hope to see you in the raid with us!!!
Links & Resources
Fight the Future (FUTR) is our Destiny 2 clan. Clans can unlock character perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. Due to bungie limitations, we can only have 100 members in the bungie clan at one time. Less active members may be removed from the bungie clan in favour of more active members. To rejoin, simply send in your request.
The bulk of our text communication occurs through Discord, voice communications through Party Chat, and scheduling games through
Upcoming Games
No upcoming games currently.
Most Active Members
warlock, titan, hunter
warlock, profanity ok, hunter, pve, pvp
raid, nightfall, can be convinced to do pvp, profanity ok, pve, parent
all raids, sherpa, pvp,iron banner, weekly challenges, pve, trials of osiris
ps4, microphone, warlock, hunter, titan
hunter, raider, trials, sherpa, pve, pvp