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aimloos-Gaming the100 Group Page We are currently looking for more players to join our Destiny 2: Forsaken clan.

Do you happen to have any friends or people who would like to join?
Invite them to join our discord server and refer to our Clan Page

Clan Info:
- Clan Lv.: 6
- Members: 85 +/-
- Raid completion last week: All cleared
- Clan Engrams last week: All unlocked

- Communicate in the English language.
- Please use your PSN, XBOX or Steam/ nickname.
- Moderators may use their powers at their discretion.

There are no further rules that apply, we expect all our members to have common sense and act like real adults.

Raids Schedule
There is currently no static schedule available. We schedule activities based on information given by our raiding members.
But we aim to run two to four raids every week at 8PM - 11PM (CEST/CET).


profanity ok, blind well, gambit, warlock, pve, microphone

Upcoming Games

No upcoming games currently.

Most Active Members



profanity ok, college student, student

pvp, profanity ok

pve, pvp, raid rookie

pvp, profanity ok, pve

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profanity ok, blind well, gambit, warlock, pve, microphone

Group Platforms
Games Played