Raid addict & dungeon delver

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Weekly Title Chasers Run: triumphs as needed for DSC. Clan and friends take precendence.

Recent Games

  • 12:00 PM PDT - SUN 04/21
  • Xbox
  • Paracausal Inc.
  • Mic required
  • 6 Players / 6
  • 1 reserve

Weekly Title Chasers Run: thinking Last Wish Petra's practice? Open to whatever the group needs though! Clan & Friends take precendence.

Sherpa Requested! I've run GoS, but not for Divinity. Thank y'all for the help!

Arcite weekly bounty 1st encounter

First encounter only for the Distinguished Raider Bounty from Shaxx’s sweeper bot.



increasingly clueless, dutch, english, jumping puzzles will kill you, teamplayer, wizards suck


who wrote this stupid tag?, my hunter has joined the time to raid, bla bla bla bla........ :-), have a mic


t.o.m., warlock, profanity ok, parent, black spindle


pve, casual, hunter, titan, profanity ok


long live ferxtrert squerrd!, friendly, pve, mic, pvp, parent


sherpa, always willing to help, pvp sharpshooter, sherpa, profanity ok


titan, sherpa, weekly challenges, pc, xbox one, hunter

squidy p

chill, parent, jumping fool, sherpa, warlock, titan