Sherpa for The Salt Empire No rage or booting policy

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ins4ne cha0s

chill, raid vet, profanity ok, pve, pvp, sherpa


collector, oryx, fragment finder, deathsingers, jumping, crota


sparrow wars, crota sword whacker, flawless raider, profanity encouraged, for the lulz, raider


vog relic holder, oryx, crota swordbearer, sherpa, flawless raider sherpa, speaker of bad puns

pve, titan, sporadic playing times


wine and cookies, just living the life, here to forget about work

Lord Optic

sherpa, profanity ok, pve, xbox one

Mad Mux

mercy, lucio,, reinhardt, soldier: 76, raider

ancient warrior, xbox one, sherpa, mature gamer

weekly challenges, xbox one, raider