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cruged it!, can't jump, profanity ok, parent, titan, xbox one

i drink the dark, if you're reading these tags you must be bored, my vision is confluent, avenging praedyth, defying the abyss, bringing your fate

raider, titan, hunter, zeros for o's, that one guy, microphone

pvp, trials, xbox one, microphone, sucky

pvp, pve, parent


xbox one

microphone, raider, pve, pvp, titan, hunter


xbox one, microphone, relicholder, bamf, swordbearer, bladedancer

bingsbubbleplacemaster, ihaveamonster, andhebites, shootyouinpipi, stopsendinginvites, onemoreinvite


gauntlet runner, switch shooter, prism holder, pollen holder, throne room floater, shadow realm, pvp, pve, parent, sherpa, microphone