Usually play at night Perth, Western Australian time (+8 GMT). Plays during weeknights & weekends. Please feel free to join in the fun or invite me. :)

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warlock, hunter, spindle, tom, titan, parent


father.....hunter main, titan often, warlock barely


titan, warlock, hunter, relic runner, swordbearer, sherpa

mic, hunter, profanity ok, parent, titan

ps4, weekly challenges, sporadic playing times


microphone, parent, profanity ok, casual, pve, iron banana


profanity ok, pvp, pve, hunter, warlock, titan, thx for the karma


hunter, raider, weekly challenges, ps4, titan, warlock

easy going, year 1, spend far too long choosing a shader to go with my armor, hunter, warlock, titan

ps4, pve, profanity ok