I'm loyal when joining a game. I won't back out unless emergency. I communicate well and will learn tactics. Also suggest them. I value teamwork above all else.

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titan, microphone, fun xb1, warlock, hunter


sherpa, humor as legendary as his armor, mutes people who chew food/gum on mic


when conflicted, i often ask myself, what would the honey badger do ??, microphone, weekly challenges, titan at heart...

xbox one, microphone, voidwalker, friendly, moderator, sherpa

titan, xbox 1, laid back

mic, titan, warlock, hunter, xbox one, ps4

hunter, sporadic playing times, weekly challenges, warlock, titian, raids


raider, fun, warlock, hunter, titan, microphone

parent, titan, hunter, warlock, pve, xbox one, microphone, pvp

raider, parent, mic, pvp