I am a daily player and want to become proficient at the hardest content Destiny 2 has to offer. And... I really want Dungeon and raid locked loot :). I run all three characters (Hunter Main) and really want to find people to run the weekly pinnacle activities (GM's, Legendary / Master Missions, Dares, Dungeons, Raids, Battlegrounds, etc...) to gain the experience and hit the hard cap on all three characters. I am always willing to help out and, after a 2 year break, am really enjoying the game again. I look forward to playing with, and learning from, as many of you as possible.

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Hytech Turt1e

pvp, adults only, warlock, play 10+ hours a week, outdoors, cooking

pve, pvp, profanity ok


parent, beginners welcome, raider, casual, sherpa

Trash Panda

parents, parent, hunter, profanity ok, xbox one, hats/caps