When it comes to PvE I'm solid, dependable, and occasionally completely unable to understand the concept of jumping and momentum at the same time. When I'm hot, I'm hot. When I'm not, I'm failing to blink to high ground like that one salmon in the documentary who just can't get upstream. I'm popping the full-size barricade when I want rally and vice versa. I forget that dodge even exists. Then right after that I drop a clutch rocket to prevent a wipe, res my entire fireteam, solo the last portion of boss HP while doing so, and my shader choice is impeccable. When talking PvP it's important to remember that curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. I'm a mad scientist, I try things, I defy convention, I play with toys other people disregard because they don't expect to see it coming, and sometimes I fall flat on my face because of it. But sometimes, and with increasing frequency, I stand out, above, and beyond. Come fly with me.

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pve, profanity ok, no profanity


pve, sherpa, profanity ok