Relaxed Hunter main with alt Titan and Warlock. Looking to enjoy my Destiny sessions. Happy to learn and teach. Just bring a good attitude. Ability to laugh at self caused mistakes a bonus...... I laugh a lot.
- Activity Score: 488
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 1276
- Male
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Afternoons and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
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parent, pve, listener, relaxed and hoping to have fun, raid rookie but quick learner and have researched
parent, raider, microphone, pve, chill
adult, profanity ok, pvp, pve
warlock, titan, raid, pvp, hunter
raid, weekly challenges, pve
hunter, titan, warlock
play 20+ hours a week, pc, ps5, warlock, hunter, titan
weekly challenges, raider, microphone