- Activity Score: 1257
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Power Level 2029
- Male 50 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 1-10
- No Profanity
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- 05:00 PM PST - THU 02/06
- High Command Reborn
- Mic required
- 5 Players / 6
Hunt for Red Borders. Please KWTD (so you can remind me!) I have Atheon checkpoint. Would like to run x3 for all three characters for pinnacles.
Rathhunter Rathhunter#1849 2029
KurohaNeko4 2016
SelfWill 2010
tmdran tmdran#5458 2015
parents, pve, beginners welcome, play 20+ hours a week
hunter, warlock, pve, pvp, parent, ps4
trials, pvp, wrath of the machine, active raider, crota, sherpa
ps5, parents, youtuber, sherpa, raider, trials
pvp, pve, profanity ok, parent
hunter, warlock, microphone, crucible, poe, raids
ps4, pve, warlock, hunter, titan
pve, titan, ps4, microphone
raid rookie, pvp,pve,, profanity cool
ps4, hunter, warlock, titan