I'm Mexican, but I'm not " I'll cut your Grass for 20 Bucks" Mexican.

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plays between 10 a.m. to midnite cst, warlock, titan, hunter

profanity ok, warlock alt, hunter alt, titan, xbox one, microphone

I Was Cool Once

pve, pvp, profanity ok, willing to carry, show ropes, destiny and chill


titan, hunter, warlock, pve, profanity ok, parent


nightfall, oregon, raids, titan, hunter, poe


vog relic holder, oryx, crota swordbearer, sherpa, flawless raider sherpa, speaker of bad puns

weekly challenges, xbox one, microphone


nightfall, raids, profanity ok, parent, titan warlock hunter

casual pvp, titan, warlock, hunter, parent, raider
