Formerly known as Wowdy Webble and assorted pet names. ;) Don't get to play often anymore but continue to enjoy Destiny, Borderlands, and Goat Simulator for times I need to die of laughter. :)

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serious but relaxed, serious but fun, raider, sherpa, raid veteran

laid back, profanity ok, pve, hunter

titan, hunter, sunbreaker, gunslinger, nightstalker


parent, pve, pvp, profanity ok, lmao if anyone gets nailed by piston wall!

profanity ok, pve, pvp


gunslinger, bladedancer, disabled vet, flexible level, usaf veteran, sherpa

xbox one, raider, titan

microphone, xbox one, hunter, crucible, raids

pve, microphone, hunter, xbox one, entertainment, parent

Nuke Kaboom

profanity ok, raid rookie, just a toon, pve