I operate a Hunter, Warlock, and Titan. I prefer playing with other experienced raiders, particularly speed runs to maximize rewards and opportunities for all. I have completed VoG, Crota's End, and King's Fall on both difficulties; and while I can manage the Relics and Auras and Swords and Chained Servitors, I continue to practice in order to be 110% across all scenarios, so I need a group that offers exemplary support and camaraderie to achieve this. :-)

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Trying to get that Ogre end boss.

Running Zero Hour for 1st time this time around...

Looks like we have to complete Atraks-1 Pantheon quest step before moving to Oryx Pantheon. Continuing from Planets CP.


AK Dudeman

warlock, parent, patient, profanity ok, pve, xbox one

32 titan, 31 warlock


pve, profanity ok, raid


titan, hunter, warlock


microphone, warlock, hunter, titan


sherpa, pve, profanity ok, pvp


sherpa, epic mod, alpha clan admin

hunter, bladedancer, pve

Bronco DTD

microphone, warlock, pve, titan, hunter, raider