Hunter, Raider, Quester, or just extra guy to help with what you need killed or to guide you through the unknown...

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let's see what this is all about...and obviously loot always the loot



play 10+ hours a week, sherpa, weekly challenges, sporadic playing times, raider, nightstalker

warlock, hunter, titan, pve, microphone


raid, pve, pvp, nightfall

pve, pvp, parent, army

profanity ok, pvp, pve, open fire team, black spindle, touch of malice

The Halonian

warlock, titan, pve, raider, pvp, hunter


raid rookie, parent, pvp

tLX Deathclutch

hunger of crota, crota sherpa, sherpa, gunslinger, hunter, xbox one


titan, raider, warlock, pvp, hunter