hunter, titan & warlock. Raids, sherpa, nightfall, pvp, iron banner, trials although I suck at it. pretty much anything including bacon ummmm bacon

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adult, raider, microphone, warlock, patient

raider, pvp, hunter, warlock, chilled, titan


raids, poe, likes to run out of ammo ;-), hunter, profanity ok, pve

profanity ok, warlock main, parent, crucible bulletsponge, raid runner, mic


parent, pvp, sherpa, notts uk, raids, nightfall, strikes and general stuff is all good, loves bacon

pvp, kills stuff and will leave you with no lamps, parent

raider and prison of elders, weekly nightfall and heroic strikes, parent

Yoda Schmy

zero hour, raider, sherpa, fire bad, jedi, kubs' dad