Destiny 2 - Quest - Zero Hour - Legendary

Everyday Player In Combat

legendary run continuation from Sunday evening

Mic required
No level required
3 Players / 3
3 Waitlist
3 Reserves
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pve, profanity ok, raid


raid rookie, parent, pvp

SLYGuY916 Poun#2350

friendly, raider, dog lover

Waitlist: [?]

waitlist #1
Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476

pvp, profanity ok, pve

waitlist #2
Hawkiz6 hawk#8126

raider, all classes, parent, microphone

waitlist #3
sgt scorch

raider, hunter, xbox x, streamer, beginners welcome, profanity ok

Reserve / Backups: [?]

reserve #1

reserve #2

parent, pvp, pve, average ability

reserve #3
silent al69 Silent Al69#4495

profanity ok, technology, music, pvp, casual, adults only

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